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Welcome to solmars pharma
For Humanity

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Medicine heals doubts
as well as Diseases.

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Caring health is important
than all things.

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+91 86195 49982


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We are one of the established medical agency to care for you

Solmars Pharma is one of the Indian leading pharmaceutical companies, and changes the pharma industry by providing world class medications at affordable price. Every Indian has right to get quality medicine at affordable price. Solmars Pharma is an Indian pharmaceutical company, based at, Ahmadabad (India). The company has products in therapeutic areas ranging from antibiotics, to gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, dermal, and erectile dysfunction medications.

Founded Solmars Pharma, one of the top 5 leading pharmaceutical companies in India, started its journey in 2017 in allopathic. Previously it was in ayurvedic from 2004 . Today, we have 100 employees and are heading. Specially dedicated for orthopaedic and neurologic medicine .

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Our Vision

"To deliver superior value to our customers,
shareholders, employees and society at large."

Dedicated medicine department

our special medicines for all of
our dedicated patients

Our Expertise



Value Addition

Time Delivery

Our Expertise